Elementor Website Builder – More than Just a Page Builder



Elementor, the leading WordPress website builder,empowers you to build professional, pixel-perfect websites. With an intuitive, no-code drag and drop interface, you can build any website.

Revolutionize the way you build websites with Elementor AI, a native AI integration. Create complete sections, original text, code, and images instantly, or reference another website to recreate its layout in your website.

Unlock all features with Elementor Pro.


Gain full control over your website’s design and layout with Elementor’s Page Builder. Drag elements to the canvas, and position them to achieve your desired page structure, and functionality.

Leverage Flexbox and CSS Grid Containers to create professional, lightweight, and responsive layouts. Use Elementor’s Nested Elements to elevate your design and unlock more freedom by nesting elements within other elements, such as placing widgets within the content area of Tabs or Accordions.


With Elementor’s robust features and over 40 free widgets, you can create unique websites. Use advanced design capabilities, such as uploading SVG files, applying masks, box shadows, gradient backgrounds, headline effects, shape dividers, built-in CSS controls, and more.


Save time, or find inspiration with designer-made website kits and templates. Apply a Full Website Kit to get a website in a snap, including the Homepage, Service Page, and more. Use the library to import Single Pages, Blocks, or Popup templates. Or create and export your own templates and import them to another website to create reusable blueprints.


Adjust the content and presentation of your website per device. With Custom Breakpoints, adjust your website’s design for an ideal experience on every device. Display content based on device type, set alignment, spacing, layout, order, etc.


Elementor includes 40+ free widgets for professional and engaging websites:

  • Overskrift. Tilføj iøjnefaldende overskrifter.
  • Image. Control the size, opacity and more.
  • Text Editor. Just like the WordPress editor.
  • Video. Add YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or self-hosted videos.
  • Button. Control every aspect of the button.
  • Image Box. A box with image, headline and text.
  • Testimonials. Customer testimonials.
  • Ikon. Placer et eller flere af 600+ mulige ikoner.
  • Icon Box. An icon, headline, and text with one widget.
  • Social Icons. Link to your social pages with the Facebook/X (formerly Twitter) icons.
  • Image Gallery. Display your images in a grid.
  • Image Carousel. Create rotating carousels or sliders for chosen images.
  • Ikonliste. Brug et hvilket som helst ikon til at oprette en punktliste.
  • Counter. Show numbers in an escalating manner.
  • Progress Bar. Include an escalating progress bar.
  • Nested Tabs. Display content in vertical or horizontal tabs.
  • Nested Accordion. Display any type of content in collapsible sections.
  • Toggle. Use the Toggle to hide or display content, like FAQ.
  • Rating. Display how many stars (or another icon) other visitors gave.
  • Alert. Include a colored alert box to draw visitor’s attention.
  • HTML. Indsæt kode på siden.
  • Shortcode. Insert shortcodes from any plugin into the page.
  • Menuanker. Link enhver menu til dette ankerpunkt.
  • Read More. Set the Read More cut-off for the excerpt in archive pages.
  • Sidebar. Add sidebars onto the page.
  • Google Maps. Indlejr kort på siden.
  • SoundCloud. Add SoundCloud audio bits.
  • Divider. Separate content with a designed divider.
  • Spacer. Add space between elements.
  • Text Path. Attach your text to a path.
  • Og mere på vej…


To accelerate your workflow Elementor includes workflow and collaboration enhancing features, including:

  • Finder – quickly navigate between different pages and website components, or create new website parts quickly.
  • Add to Favorites – pin frequently used widgets to the top of the widget panel.
  • Copy & Paste Between One Editor to Another – copy any element or layout from the Editor of one website to another.
  • Revision History – restore and compare previous versions of your website.


Website performance impacts your visitor’s experience and search result ranking. Therefore, Elementor continuously invests in improving performance and partnered with Google Chrome to identify more ways to optimize, without impacting design. Features include: reduced DOM output, improved media file loading, reduced CSS and JS files, lazy loading, faster font loading, optimized front-end asset loading, and more. Check our performance page.

Looking to boost sites performance? Meet the Image Optimizer plugin by Elementor: an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that effortlessly reduces image sizes without sacrificing quality. Compatible with popular formats like JPEG, PNG, WebP, and GIF, it ensures a visually stunning, high-speed website – download now!


Elementor offers accessibility tools and enhancements to help you provide a better experience for all users. Including HTML 5 semantic, full keyboard navigation menu, ongoing improvement of features, widget, and more.


Join a global community that helps each other achieve their goals. Get answers, solve problems with other members, share knowledge, and more. Join community discussions, meetups, enjoy hundreds of YouTube videos, articles, and tutorials made by members worldwide.

Udvikler API

Elementor is open-source, Therefore developers have full access to documentation about the Editor’s code components including hooks, integrations and controllers. This includes a developer’s website, Developers Docs, Developers Blog, GitHub, Add-on Developers Newsletter, and more.


Elementor supports multiple languages and typographies and is RTL compatible, with Editor translations to over 63 languages OOTB. Elementor is also compatible with WPML, Polylang, TranslatePress, Weglot, and more.
If you would like to contribute, add a new language via translate.wordpress.org. See our guide on how to translate and localize the plugin.


Create unparalleled websites while saving time, money and resources with Elementor Pro’s full website builder. Get access to 100+ professional widgets, features, and tools.

Elementor Pro’s features include:

  • Exclusive Kits and Templates – get a jumpstart or get inspired with pre-designed kits and templates.
  • Advanced Motion Effects – create unparalleled experiences by making elements on your website move, or keep elements in view at all times using sticky effects.
  • Industry-leading Theme Builder – customize your theme parts including header, footer, single post, post archive, single product, product archive, 404 page, and more.
  • WooCommerce Builder – design and customize every part of your online store to boost conversion.
  • Professional Form Builder and Submissions – collect lead submissions to stay connected with your visitors.
  • Popup Builder – display popups to the right visitor at the right time to boost conversion.
  • Dynamic Content – populate your website with content from your WordPress CMS.
  • Loop Builder – design your own listing template and leverage alternate templates to promote specific content within your listing grid.
  • Mega Menu widget – create simple or sophisticated menus for an intuitive navigation experience for your visitors.
  • Marketing automation and CRM integrations – connect your forms to your favorite software to stay connected with visitors.
  • Scroll Snap – create engaging experiences and ensure visitors scroll through your website as intended.
  • Custom fonts & icons – ensure you follow GDPR requirements and match your website’s fonts and icons to your brand.
  • Role manager – provide collaborators with appropriate access and editing capabilities.
  • Blog post widget – create a template to display blog posts.
  • Nested Carousel – design captivating carousels using any widget in each carousel slide.
  • Global widgets – adjust the content, styles and settings of a widget and reuse it across your website.
  • Custom CSS – apply custom css to any element, or globally to elevate your design.
  • Custom Code – apply custom code anywhere on your website to elevate its experience.
  • 90+ Professional widgets

Build professional websites with Elementor Pro!


Elementor places a paramount focus on security, evident through our acquisition of industry certifications such as ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018, ISO/IEC 27701, and SOC 2 Type II. These certifications underscore our commitment to implementing robust security measures, and highlight our dedication to adhering to recognized industry standards.

To build secure and reliable software, we follow a Secure System Development Lifecycle based on industry best practices. Our development process integrates multiple services that monitor vulnerabilities and configuration mistakes, including those in third-party libraries. Each line of code we release undergoes manual and automated quality assurance to detect and address any potential issues.

We encourage ethical security research through our Bug Bounty program. We collaborate with leading bug bounty services to provide opportunities for researchers to report vulnerabilities in our services. Our bounty programs include a triage team available 24/7/365.

For more information: Trust Center.



To improve the user experience, Elementor may use the following 3rd party services if the required feature is enabled:

  • Google Fonts – are loaded to add additional fonts to your website. Google’s TOS and Privacy Policy
  • Some Elementor features require loading additional assets from Elementor.com. These assets are not used for tracking purposes unless it’s explicitly mentioned otherwise, in which case you would need to approve it and manually opt-in. Learn more about our TOS and Privacy Policy.

Kan du lide Elementor?


  • Visual Drag and Drop Editor - Design your website layouts and place any element anywhere on the page for pixel-perfect designs.
  • Full Design System - Enjoy a professional workflow and ensure consistency across your site. Define your settings, use them globally, and instantly adjust them any time.
  • Responsive Design Fully edit your website and customize the behavior on desktop, tablet, & mobile to optimize the visitor experience on every device.
  • Kits and Templates - Jumpstart your web creation process or get inspired with professionally-designed templates or full website kits available for your immediate customization.
  • Nested Elements Leverage Elementor's Nested widgets to place any widget inside the content area of another widget - like Tabs, and Accordion for complete design flexibility.
  • Motion Effects - Add entrance animations and transitions to any element in your website to captivate visitors.



  • WordPress 6.0 eller højere
  • PHP version 7.4 eller højere
  • MySQL version 5.0 eller højere

Recommended Requirements

  • PHP version 8.1 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.6 eller højere
  • WordPress-hukommelse på 64 MB eller mere (128 MB eller mere er at foretrække)


  1. Installer ved hjælp af WordPress’ indbyggede plugin-installationsprogram, eller udpak zip-filen, og læg indholdet i mappen wp-content/plugins/ i din WordPress-installation.
  2. Aktiver plugin’et via menuen ‘Plugins’ i WordPress.
  3. Gå til Sider > Tilføj ny
  4. Tryk på knappen “Rediger med Elementor”.
  5. Nu kan du trække og slippe widgets fra det venstre panel til indholdsområdet og tilføje nye sektioner og kolonner, som udgør sidestrukturen.

Du kan finde dokumentation og vejledninger i vores Hjælpecenter.


Hvordan installerer jeg Elementor?

Du kan installere den gratis version af Elementor ved at følge nedenstående trin:
Fra dit WordPress-dashboard -> Gå til Plugins -> Klik på ‘Tilføj nyt’-> I søgefeltet skal du indtaste Elementor og vælge Elementor website builder.
Tryk på Installér -&> Efter installationen skal du klikke på Aktiver.

Virker Elementor med alle temaer?

Elementor works all the themes that respect the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex. It is recommended to use Elementor’s Hello Theme, a lightweight blank canvas, to enjoy full flexibility when using Elementor, and optimize your experience.

Er Elementor kompatibel med Gutenberg?

Elementor og Gutenberg arbejder problemfrit sammen. Som bruger kan du nemt beslutte, hvilken editor du vil bruge på ethvert tidspunkt, når du redigerer dit websted.

Kan jeg opret en webshop?

Ja, med Elementor Pro WooCommerce Builder kan du tilpasse hver eneste side i din butik for at skabe en fantastisk kundeoplevelse, der fremmer salget.

Virker det med andre WordPress plugins?

Den fungerer med næsten alle plugins. Hvis du oplever et problem med inkompatibilitet, skal du rapportere det til os og til det plugin, der er i konflikt med Elementor.

Skal jeg vide hvordan man koder?

Nej! Elementor giver dig alle de widgets og funktioner, du har brug for til at bygge et professionelt websted uden at bruge kode.

Skal jeg vide hvordan man designer?

No, you can choose between professionaly designed kits and templates that fit toevery industry and have all you need to create your own profesional website.

Vil elementor gøre mit websted langsommere?

Elementor prioriterer hastighed og ydeevne højt, og du kan derfor nyde godt af bedre og hurtigere ydeevne med hver ny version af Elementor. Når du tester det samme sidelayout på ældre versioner, kan du se en betydelig forbedring af ydeevnen, fra en score på 82 i Google PageSpeed Insight i version 3.1 til en score på 95 i version 3.5.

Er mit websted sikkert med Elementor?

The security of your website is extremely important to us and we take proactive measures to assure that your websites are secure. Elementor is ISO 27001 certified, and has a dedicated team of security professionals that implements industry best-practices for maximum security and compliance, 24/7.

There is also a managed security Bug Bounty program, utilizing the community power by enabling 24/7/365 crowdsourced vulnerability detection.

Kan jeg købe skabeloner separat?

Du kan selvfølgelig bruge enhver skabelon, der understøtter Elementor.

Is Elementor compatible with Post and Custom Post Types?

Selvfølgelig! Du kan indstille, hvilke indlægstyper der skal aktivere Elementor på indstillingssiden.

Hvad er forskellen mellem Elementors gratis plugin og Elementor Pro

Elementor’s gratisversion giver dig mulighed for at udforske vores revolutionerende træk & slip-editor, grundlæggende widgets og skabeloner. Elementor Pro (Essential, Advanced, Expert, Studio og Agency) giver dig mere professionelle værktøjer, der fremskynder din arbejdsgang, giver dig adgang til support, hjælper dig med at opbygge mere avanceret indhold og konvertere besøgende. Se den komplette sammenligning her.

Hvordan kan jeg blive bidragyder?

If you want to contribute, go to our Elementor GitHub Repository and see where you can help.
You can also add a new language via translate.wordpress.org. We’ve built a short guide explaining how to translate and localize the plugin.


25. april, 2024 2 replies
i face error new update 3.21.2 – 2 Warning: Undefined array key "icon" in /home/public_html icon box error
23. april, 2024 2 replies
Let me start by saying I love this plugin. I work for an agency that does a lot of web work, and Elementor has been great. The ability to have instant results for changes as we build is phenomenal, and it has many widgets that make building a site a lot more convenient than having to dive into JS libraries and custom PHP. However, the forced usage of Notes is causing a massive slowdown for our development team. We don't use it and don't intend to use it, but the "feature" is being forced on us. I can no longer use cmd + shift + c as an admin because Elementor deemed it unimportant. I'll gladly update my review if/when they put the setting back in to disable it.
21. april, 2024 1 reply
Each update is better than the last, now my pages are much faster with the code optimization they did with their last update.
20. april, 2024 1 reply
I first tried Elementor in 2018. Very quickly I knew I wanted to go Elementor Pro. Very happy with my decision as it just kept getting better and better.Now in 2024, I have upgraded again to the new Pro classification to get the 3 site license. Very happy with my decision as the company and product keeps getting better and better.
19. april, 2024 1 reply
This most recent update, 3.21.1, seems to have caused a plugin incompatibility with woocommerce. The formatting of my elementor pages, even those unrelated to woocommerce pages became a bit wonky even after regenerating css and other troubleshooting. It kept trying to put me in safe mode when trying to edit theme builder woocommerce templates. Those templates eventually couldn't even be loaded and I had to revert to a backup before the update. Maybe my update just had a bit of a hiccup, but has anyone else had this sort of problem? I do love Elementor, and this is the first time I've had it cause some issues. Thanks in advance.
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“Elementor Website Builder – More than Just a Page Builder” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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3.21.2 – 2024-04-24

  • Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Heading widget
  • Fix: Icon Box widget disappears on the frontend if its Title and Description fields are empty

3.21.1 – 2024-04-18

  • Fix: Compatibility issue between Elementor Settings screen and 3rd party plugins
  • Fix: AI-generated images are consistently square and do not follow the selected aspect ratio

3.21.0 – 2024-04-15

  • New: Introducing Optimized Control Loading experiment – Improved TTFB by excluding UI controls from the frontend load, enhancing overall site speed
  • New: Meet Elementor Home – Jumpstart your web creation and expand your design toolkit
  • Tweak: Enhanced the mechanism of Lazy Load Background Images experiment for better performance
  • Tweak: Added additional styling options to Counter widget (#9068)
  • Tweak: Add additional unit options to Width and Height in Shape Dividers
  • Tweak: Optimized Button widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when no text is present
  • Tweak: Optimized Icon widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when no icon is present
  • Tweak: Optimized Spacer widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when no space is defined or set to 0
  • Tweak: Optimized Progress Bar widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when both title and percentage are empty.
  • Tweak: Optimized Testimonial widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when content controls are left empty
  • Tweak: Optimized Shortcode widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when the shortcode field is left empty
  • Tweak: Optimized Menu Anchor widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when the anchor ID is left empty
  • Tweak: Optimized Text Editor widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when the editor content is empty
  • Tweak: Optimized Icon Box widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when there is no content
  • Tweak: Optimized Image Box widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when there is no content
  • Tweak: Optimized Alert widget to eliminate unnecessary markup when the content is empty
  • Tweak: Improved Asset Loading feature merged to version
  • Tweak: Activated Grid Container feature for existing sites
  • Tweak: Promoted Editor Top Bar to Beta status
  • Tweak: Activated Lazy Load Background Images by default to new sites and changed status to Beta
  • Tweak: Optimized Gutenberg Loading feature merged to version and moved to Settings
  • Tweak: Optimize Image Loading feature merged to version and moved to Settings
  • Fix: Edit with Elementor button is missing in various scenarios when using WordPress 6.5.2
  • Fix: RTL websites using a LTR UI are flipping between ‘left’ and ‘right’ inside the editor
  • Fix: Deprecated styling has been removed from the Editor’s tabs
  • Fix: Replaced deprecated elementor.$previewElementorEl with documents.getCurrent().$element (props @vHeemstra)

See changelog for all versions.