Plugin-tag: bodymovin
LottieFiles – Lottie block for Gutenberg
(13 totale bedømmelser)LottieFiles for WordPress is the easiest way to add Lottie animations to your WordPress website using the Gutenberg editor.
Animentor – Lottie & Bodymovin for Elementor
(8 totale bedømmelser)An Elementor extension that adds a widget for Lottie animations.
LottieFiles – JSON Based Animation Lottie & Bodymovin for Elementor
(5 totale bedømmelser)Elementor addon to use creative layout to your site with smaller json file using Lottie animations.
AM LottiePlayer
(5 totale bedømmelser)Den mest komplette Lottiespiller! Tager lidt plads og hukommelse, er alsidig og nem at bruge og fungerer med Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor og Flatsome.
R Animated Icon Plugin
(0 totale bedømmelser)The Plugin helps you to add the SVG animation using the Lottie Files. This animations can be easily integrated with any themes and builders.