Plugin-tag: twitter
Mensagem Seguir Twitter no Final do Post
(0 totale bedømmelser)This plugin allows you to automatically add the text "If you liked this article, then please follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Click 2 Share
(0 totale bedømmelser)Gutenberg Block Plugin to display a shareable post on Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit.
Dev Share Buttons
(0 totale bedømmelser)Social sharing buttons plugin built with performance, accessibility & privacy in mind. Use it to share current post/page on Twitter, Facebook & …
Video Downloader for X
(0 totale bedømmelser)Integrate download buttons next to embedded tweets and X posts, enabling users to download videos in MP4 and MP3 format.
My Social Reach
(0 totale bedømmelser)Activate the plugin, and it will automatically add social sharing buttons at the end of the post content automatically.
Ipanema Twitter Feed
(0 totale bedømmelser)Add different kind of twitter feeds in your WordPress site!
FAT Editor Add On
(0 totale bedømmelser)FAT Editor AddOn is a WordPress plugin which allows you create highlight text, text with twitter share, video embed (youtube and vimeo)
Easy Social Shares
(0 totale bedømmelser)Zero configuration. Simply use shortcode [easy_social_shares].
Simple Social Images
(0 totale bedømmelser)Automatically generate beautiful and branded social sharing images for posts.
(0 totale bedømmelser)social sharing menu on every post with changeable design, size etc. Share posts to social sites.
Curator Studio – Twitter – Show tweets, mentions and more
(0 totale bedømmelser)Curate Twitter content like never before.