Plugin-tag: code
Code View
(0 totale bedømmelser)Easily use highlightjs and line-numbers to syntax-highlighted sample code on your blog posts
In The Loop
(0 totale bedømmelser)Be in the loop! Easily add any HTML, CSS, JavaScript or PHP to the begining or end of a post. Great for when plugins forget to add this ability.
KG Inline Code
(0 totale bedømmelser)Replaces any word or sentence between backquotes (`) by a <code> block in a StackOverflow / Markdown way.
iThoughts HTML Snippets
(0 totale bedømmelser)Embed custom HTML snippets with raw content and variables
SCuD – The ShortCode Disabler
(2 totale bedømmelser)Allows you to disable ShortCodes on a per post/page basis.
Code Repository
(0 totale bedømmelser)Allows users to save scripts and code snippets, using the built-in WordPress post revisioning system.
Code Prettify Syntax Highlighter
(1 totale bedømmelser)Highlighting the code in the post with JavaScript library «google-code-prettify».
QR Code for Pages
(0 totale bedømmelser)Is a plugin for generating QR codes for your WordPress pages or posts made by ME-Team.
P2 Header Ad
(1 totale bedømmelser)Places a 468×80 pixel advert inside the header of Automattic's wonderful P2 Theme.
Dixa Chat
(0 totale bedømmelser)This plugin allows you to add a Dixa Chat widget into the footer of every page on your website by hooking into wp_footer.
(0 totale bedømmelser)This plugin will simply define the css for HTML Preformatted and Code tags. Just download the plugin and activate. Please go through with F.A.Q .
Personal QR Message
(0 totale bedømmelser)WordPress plugin to create a personal QR message for the buyer.
Backup Snippets – Restore Code Snippet Easily
(0 totale bedømmelser)A safe way to create a copy of your code in Code Snippet
Code Engine
(0 totale bedømmelser)Code Engine helps you manage code snippets from Code Snippets and WP Code. It checks errors, gathers snippets, and creates JSON for AI models.
Simple Google Analytics by ST
(7 totale bedømmelser)Easily add google Analytic code from the wordPress administration screen.
Essential Script
(0 totale bedømmelser)Essential Script adds client-side script to individual areas of your Web site.
SyntaxHighlighter Amplified
(0 totale bedømmelser)Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. Compatible with AMP pages.