Plugin-tag: oembed
Embed PDF Viewer
(19 totale bedømmelser)Embed a PDF from the Media Library or elsewhere via oEmbed or as a block into an iframe tag.
Disable Embeds
(19 totale bedømmelser)Don’t like the enhanced embeds in WordPress 4.4? Easily disable the feature using this plugin.
Embed Privacy
(24 totale bedømmelser)Embed Privacy prevents the loading of embedded external content and allows your site visitors to opt-in.
Lazy Load for Videos
(105 totale bedømmelser)Improve page speed by replacing embedded Youtube and Vimeo videos with a clickable preview image. Visitors simply click on the image to play the video …
oEmbed Plus
(7 totale bedømmelser)Adds support for embedding Facebook and Instagram posts in Block Editor (Gutenberg) and Classic Editor.
(20 totale bedømmelser)The Embedly Plugin extends Wordpress's auto-embed feature to give your blog more media types and style optons.
Wistia WordPress Plugin
(8 totale bedømmelser)Enables all Wistia embed types to be used in your WordPress blog.
Hide Related Video Youtube
(9 totale bedømmelser)Hide related video youtube is a plugin remove related video other chanel when you use YouTube oEmbed.
Magyar Video Embed
(0 totale bedømmelser)This plugin helps different hungarian online video service provider videos to be embeded just like youtube links. So, this is not intresting to you un …
Advanced Custom Fields: oEmbed Field
(1 totale bedømmelser)Adds an oEmbed field type to Advanced Custom Fields.
Video Blogster Lite
(5 totale bedømmelser)Create a video blog in minutes! This plugin searches YouTube for content and automatically creates posts from the results.
Github Embed
(14 totale bedømmelser)Plugin that allows you to embed details from github just by pasting in the URL as you would any other embed source. Currently supports:
- Commons
(0 totale bedømmelser)Just copy/paste a URL of video from, or a school location map from into your WordPress posts and see them emb …
Datawrapper oEmbed
(0 totale bedømmelser)Registers Datawrapper as oEmbed provider so charts, maps, and tables created with Datawrapper can be embedded in WordPress.
Embed Extended – Embed Maps, Videos, Websites, Source Codes, and more
(7 totale bedømmelser)Embed any external content into WordPress posts and pages. It works seamlessly on Gutenberg, Elementor, classic editor, the embed shortcode, as well a …
Embed Block for TikTok
(1 totale bedømmelser)Easily embed TikTok videos in both Gutenberg and Classic Editor.
Widget Pack
(3 totale bedømmelser)Widget Pack is a WordPress plugin that enables essential, yet powerful features for your website.
oEmbed External Video
(2 totale bedømmelser)oEmbed External Video plugin converts any external mp4 url into HTML5 video tag
Auto Thumbnailer
(2 totale bedømmelser)Automatically create thumbnails for posts when images are uploaded and the post is saved. Includes support for Oembed.
Twitter Embed
(1 totale bedømmelser)Easily embed tweets in your posts and pages by posting the tweet URL on a line by itself or by using a shortcode provided by the Twitter interface.