Plugin-tag: taxonomy
Custom Post Type UI
(269 totale bedømmelser)Admin UI for creating custom content types like post types and taxonomies
WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager – AI Autotagger
(170 totale bedømmelser)Tags, Categories and WordPress terms are easy with TaxoPress. Add a Tag or Category to Pages, manage your WooCommerce Categories and Tags and more.
Search & Filter
(169 totale bedømmelser)Search and Filtering for Custom Posts, Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Post Dates and Post Types
Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
(50 totale bedømmelser)Replace the default taxonomy boxes with a custom metabox that uses radio buttons… effectively limiting each post to a single term in that taxonomy.
Custom Post Type Widgets
(14 totale bedømmelser)Custom Post Type Widgets plugin adds default custom post type widgets.
Related Posts by Taxonomy
(76 totale bedømmelser)Display a list of related posts on your site based on the most terms in common. Supports thumbnails, shortcodes, a widget and more.
Term Management Tools
(75 totale bedømmelser)Allows you to merge terms, move terms between taxonomies, and set term parents, individually or in bulk. WPML is supported when changing taxonomies.
Posts in Page
(86 totale bedømmelser)Easily add one or more posts to any page using simple shortcodes.
Taxonomy Images
(40 totale bedømmelser)Associate images from your media library to categories, tags and custom taxonomies.
Remove Taxonomy Base Slug
(23 totale bedømmelser)This plugin can remove specific taxonomy base slug from your permalinks (e.g. "/genre/fiction/" to "/fiction/").
Taxonomy Metadata
(9 totale bedømmelser)Infrastructure plugin which implements metadata functionality for taxonomy terms, including for tags and categories.
JC Submenu
(49 totale bedømmelser)JC Submenu plugin allows you to automatically populate your navigation menus with custom post_types, taxonomies, or child pages.
Admin Taxonomy Filter
(14 totale bedømmelser)Filter posts or custom post types in the admin area by custom taxonomies.
Tag Groups is the Advanced Way to Display Your Taxonomy Terms
(50 totale bedømmelser)Tag Groups allows you to organize your WordPress taxonomy terms and show them in clouds, tabs, accordions, tables, lists and much more.
Beautiful taxonomy filters
(68 totale bedømmelser)Supercharge your custom post type archives by letting visitors filter posts by their terms/categories. This plugin handles the whole thing for you!
Select All Categories and Taxonomies, Change Checkbox to Radio Buttons
(12 totale bedømmelser)Use radio buttons or checkboxes for your categories and custom taxonomies with this incredibly powerful and easy-to-use plugin.
Enhanced Category Pages
(23 totale bedømmelser)Create custom enhanced pages for categories and any taxonomy term and manage them as a custom post.