

Enter the fediverse with ActivityPub, broadcasting your blog to a wider audience! Attract followers, deliver updates, and receive comments from a diverse user base of ActivityPub-compliant platforms.

With the ActivityPub plugin installed, your WordPress blog itself function as a federated profile, along with profiles for each author. For instance, if your website is, then the blog-wide profile can be found at, and authors like Jane and Bob would have their individual profiles at and, respectively.

An example: I give you my Mastodon profile name: You search, see my profile, and hit follow. Now, any post I make appears in your Home feed. Similarly, with the ActivityPub plugin, you can find and follow Jane’s profile at

Once you follow Jane’s profile, any blog post she crafts on will land in your Home feed. Simultaneously, by following the blog-wide profile, you’ll receive updates from all authors.

Note: If no one follows your author or blog instance, your posts remain unseen. The simplest method to verify the plugin’s operation is by following your profile. If you possess a Mastodon profile, initiate by following your new one.

The plugin works with the following tested federated platforms, but there may be more that it works with as well:

Some things to note:

  1. The blog-wide profile is only compatible with sites with rewrite rules enabled. If your site does not have rewrite rules enabled, the author-specific profiles may still work.
  2. Many single-author blogs have chosen to turn off or redirect their author profile pages, usually via an SEO plugin like Yoast or Rank Math. This is usually done to avoid duplicate content with your blog’s home page. If your author page has been deactivated in this way, then ActivityPub author profiles won’t work for you. Instead, you can turn your author profile page back on, and then use the option in your SEO plugin to noindex the author page. This will still resolve duplicate content issues with search engines and will enable ActivityPub author profiles to work.
  3. Once ActivityPub is installed, only new posts going forward will be available in the fediverse. Likewise, even if you’ve been using ActivityPub for a while, anyone who follows your site will only see new posts you publish from that moment on. They will never see previously-published posts in their Home feed. This process is very similar to subscribing to a newsletter. If you subscribe to a newsletter, you will only receive future emails, but not the old archived ones. With ActivityPub, if someone follows your site, they will only receive new blog posts you publish from then on.

So what’s the process?

  1. Install the ActivityPub plugin.
  2. Go to the plugin’s settings page and adjust the settings to your liking. Click the Save button when ready.
  3. Make sure your blog’s author profile page is active if you are using author profiles.
  4. Go to Mastodon or any other federated platform, and search for your profile, and follow it. Your new profile will be in the form of either or, so that is what you’ll search for.
  5. On your blog, publish a new post.
  6. From Mastodon, check to see if the new post appears in your Home feed.

Note: It may take up to 15 minutes or so for the new post to show up in your federated feed. This is because the messages are sent to the federated platforms using a delayed cron. This avoids breaking the publishing process for those cases where users might have lots of followers. So please don’t assume that just because you didn’t see it show up right away that something is broken. Give it some time. In most cases, it will show up within a few minutes, and you’ll know everything is working as expected.


  • The “Follow me”-Block in the Block-Editor
  • The “Followers”-Block in the Block-Editor
  • The “Federated Reply”-Block in the Block-Editor
  • A “Federated Reply” in a Post
  • A Blog-Profile on Mastodon


This plugin provides 4 blocks.

  • Follow me on the Fediverse Display your Fediverse profile so that visitors can follow you.
  • Fediverse Reactions Display Fediverse likes and reposts
  • Fediverse Followers Display your followers from the Fediverse on your website.
  • Federated Reply Respond to posts, notes, videos, and other content on the fediverse. Ensure the URL originates from a federated social network like Mastodon, as other URLs might not function as expected.


Follow the normal instructions for installing WordPress plugins.

Automatic Plugin Installation

To add a WordPress Plugin using the built-in plugin installer:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Type “activitypub” into the Search Plugins box.
  3. Find the WordPress Plugin you wish to install.
    1. Click Details for more information about the Plugin and instructions you may wish to print or save to help setup the Plugin.
    2. Click Install Now to install the WordPress Plugin.
  4. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
  5. If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.

Manual Plugin Installation

There are a few cases when manually installing a WordPress Plugin is appropriate.

  • If you wish to control the placement and the process of installing a WordPress Plugin.
  • If your server does not permit automatic installation of a WordPress Plugin.
  • If you want to try the latest development version.

Installation of a WordPress Plugin manually requires FTP familiarity and the awareness that you may put your site at risk if you install a WordPress Plugin incompatible with the current version or from an unreliable source.

Backup your site completely before proceeding.

To install a WordPress Plugin manually:

  • Download your WordPress Plugin to your desktop.
  • If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the Plugin folder to your desktop.
  • With your FTP program, upload the Plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
  • Go to Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded Plugin in the list.
  • Click Activate to activate it.



This plugin connects your WordPress blog to popular social platforms like Mastodon, making your posts more accessible to a wider audience. Once installed, your blog can be followed by users on these platforms, allowing them to receive your new posts in their feeds.

What is “ActivityPub for WordPress”

ActivityPub for WordPress extends WordPress with some Fediverse features, but it does not compete with platforms like Friendica or Mastodon. If you want to run a decentralized social network, please use Mastodon or GNU social.

What if you are running your blog in a subdirectory?

If you are running your blog in a subdirectory, but have a different wp_siteurl, you don’t need the redirect, because the index.php will take care of that.

What if you are running your blog behind a reverse proxy with Apache?

If you are using a reverse proxy with Apache to run your host you may encounter that you are unable to have followers join the blog. This will occur because the proxy system rewrites the host headers to be the internal DNS name of your server, which the plugin then uses to attempt to sign the replies. The remote site attempting to follow your users is expecting the public DNS name on the replies. In these cases you will need to use the ‘ProxyPreserveHost On’ directive to ensure the external host name is passed to your internal host.

If you are using SSL between the proxy and internal host you may also need to SSLProxyCheckPeerName off if your internal host can not answer with the correct SSL name. This may present a security issue in some environments.


The plugin uses PHP Constants to enable, disable or change its default behaviour. Please use them with caution and only if you know what you are doing.

  • ACTIVITYPUB_REST_NAMESPACE – Change the default Namespace of the REST endpoint. Default: activitypub/1.0.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_EXCERPT_LENGTH – Change the length of the Excerpt. Default: 400.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_SHOW_PLUGIN_RECOMMENDATIONS – show plugin recommendations in the ActivityPub settings. Default: true.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS – Change the number of attachments, that should be federated. Default: 3.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_HASHTAGS_REGEXP – Change the default regex to detect hashtext in a text. Default: (?:(?<=\s)|(?<=<p>)|(?<=<br>)|^)#([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(?:(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)).
  • ACTIVITYPUB_USERNAME_REGEXP – Change the default regex to detect @-replies in a text. Default: (?:([A-Za-z0-9\._-]+)@((?:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]+)).
  • ACTIVITYPUB_URL_REGEXP – Change the default regex to detect urls in a text. Default: (www.|http:|https:)+[^\s]+[\w\/].
  • ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT – Change the default template for Activities. Default: <strong>[ap_title]</strong>\n\n[ap_content]\n\n[ap_hashtags]\n\n[ap_shortlink].
  • ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_REWRITES – Disable auto generation of mod_rewrite rules. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_INCOMING_INTERACTIONS – Block incoming replies/comments/likes. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_OUTGOING_INTERACTIONS – Disable outgoing replies/comments/likes. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_SHARED_INBOX_FEATURE – Enable the shared inbox. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_SEND_VARY_HEADER – Enable to send the Vary: Accept header. Default: false.

Where can you manage your followers?

If you have activated the blog user, you will find the list of his followers in the settings under /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=activitypub&tab=followers.

The followers of a user can be found in the menu under “Users” -> “Followers” or under wp-admin/users.php?page=activitypub-followers-list.

For reasons of data protection, it is not possible to see the followers of other users.


15. december, 2024
Not just an auto-poster – it it turns your WordPress blog into its own instance like a Mastodon server, so people can follow and reply to your blog directly from their Mastodon/GoToSocial/whatever account. Images are attached to the Fediverse view, and remote replies show up locally as comments. People can boost your post directly instead of just linking to it. And they’re still adding more capabilities with each release. Note that a lot of the settings aren’t in the plugin config page, they’re put in the relevant categories. Followers show up on your user profile. You ban an instance by putting it in the general comments blocklist. Works well with ClassicPress too.
20. september, 2024
The plugin works as described, providing a full ActivityPub integration from the moment you activate it. There are a lot of options, some of which require a bit of extra research to understand (I recommend watching the Fediverse Files series on YouTube), but the defaults are solid and in most situations you won’t want to change them.
17. juli, 2024
There isn’t rating scale that I would like to leave here – Max isn’t enough. A wise man’s words are worth their weight in gold. The plugin is designed for all platforms using the ActivityPub protocol, but maybe one day there will be a feature that will allow me to create a comment (toot) in Mastodon from a form on my blog page when WordPress local commenting system is disabled 🙂
Read all 31 reviews

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  • Added: Cleanup of option values when the plugin is uninstalled.
  • Added: Third-party plugins can filter settings tabs to add their own settings pages for ActivityPub.
  • Added: Show ActivityPub preview in row actions when Block Editor is enabled but not used for the post type.
  • Changed: Manually granting activitypub cap no longer requires the receiving user to have publish_post.
  • Changed: Allow Base Transformer to handle WP_Term objects for transformation.
  • Changed: Allow omitting replies in ActivityPub representations instead of setting them as empty.
  • Changed: Improved Query extensibility for third party plugins.
  • Fixed: Negotiation of ActivityPub requests for custom post types when queried by the ActivityPub ID.
  • Fixed: Avoid PHP warnings when using Debug mode and when the actor is not set.
  • Fixed: No longer creates Outbox items when importing content/users.
  • Fixed: NodeInfo 2.0 URL to be HTTP instead of HTTPS.


  • Added: Outbox queue
  • Changed: Rewrite the current dispatcher system, to use the Outbox instead of a Scheduler.
  • Changed: Improved content negotiation and AUTHORIZED_FETCH support for third-party plugins.
  • Changed: Moved password check to is_post_disabled function.
  • Fixed: Handle deletes from remote servers that leave behind an accessible Tombstone object.
  • Fixed: No longer parses tags for post types that don’t support Activitypub.
  • Fixed: rel attribute will now contain no more than one “me” value.


  • Fixed: Flush rewrite rules after NodeInfo update.


  • Added: Support for WPML post locale
  • Removed: Built-in support for nodeinfo2. Use the NodeInfo plugin instead.
  • Fixed: More robust handling of _activityPubOptions in scripts, using a useOptions() helper.
  • Fixed: Flush post caches after Followers migration.


  • Fixed: Missing migration


  • Added: Comment counts get updated when the plugin is activated/deactivated/deleted
  • Added: A filter to make custom comment types manageable in Calypso
  • Changed: Hide ActivityPub post meta keys from the custom Fields UI
  • Changed: Bumped minimum required PHP version to 7.2
  • Changed: Print _activityPubOptions in the wp_footer action on the frontend.
  • Fixed: Undefined array key warnings in various places
  • Fixed: @-mentions in federated comments being displayed with a line break
  • Fixed: Fetching replies from the same instance for Enable Mastodon Apps
  • Fixed: Image captions not being included in the ActivityPub representation when the image is attached to the post


  • Added: A filter to allow modifying the ActivityPub preview template
  • Added: @mentions in the JSON representation of the reply
  • Added: Settings to enable/disable e-mail notifications for new followers and direct messages
  • Changed: HTML to e-mail text conversion
  • Changed: Direct Messages: Test for the user being in the to field
  • Changed: Better support for FSE color schemes
  • Fixed: Reactions: Provide a fallback for empty avatar URLs


  • Changed: Reactions block: Remove the wp-block-editor dependency for frontend views
  • Fixed: Direct Messages: Don’t send notification for received public activities


  • Changed: Reactions (likes and reposts) now enabled by default
  • Added: Reactions block to display likes and reposts
  • Added: icon support for Audio and Video attachments
  • Added: Send “new follower” emails
  • Added: Send “direct message” emails
  • Added: Account for custom comment types when calculating comment counts
  • Added: Plugin upgrade routine that automatically updates comment counts
  • Changed: Email templates for Likes and Reposts
  • Changed: Interactions moderation
  • Changed: Compatibility with Akismet
  • Changed: Comment type mapping for Like and Announce
  • Changed: Signature verification for API endpoints
  • Changed: Changed priority of Attachments, to favor Image over Audio and Video
  • Fixed: Empty url attributes in the Reply block no longer cause PHP warnings


  • Added: Setting to enable/disable Authorized-Fetch
  • Changed: Added screen reader text for the “Follow Me” block for improved accessibility
  • Changed: Added media_type support to Activity-Object-Transformers
  • Changed: Clarified settings page text around which users get Activitypub profiles
  • Changed: Add a filter to the REST API moderators list
  • Fixed: Prevent hex color codes in HTML attributes from being added as post tags
  • Fixed: A typo in the custom post content settings
  • Fixed: Prevent draft posts from being federated when bulk deleted


  • Added: A pre_activitypub_get_upload_baseurl filter
  • Added: Fediverse Preview on post-overview page
  • Added: GitHub action to enforce Changelog updates
  • Added: New contributors
  • Changed: Basic enclosure validation
  • Changed: More User -> Actor renaming
  • Changed: Outsource Constants to a separate file
  • Changed: Better handling of readme.txt and
  • Fixed: editor error when switching to edit a synced Pattern
  • Fixed: Fediverse preview showing preferredUsername instead of name
  • Fixed: Potential fatal error in Enable Mastodon Apps
  • Fixed: Broken escaping of Usernames in Actor-JSON
  • Fixed: Show Followers name instead of avatar on mobile view
  • Fixed: Missing attachement-type for enclosures
  • Fixed: Prevention against self pings

See full Changelog on GitHub.