Plausible Analytics


Plausible Analytics is an easy-to-use, open source, lightweight (<1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.

Plausible Analytics bruger ikke cookies og er fuldt ud kompatibel med GDPR, CCPA og PECR. Lavet og hostet i EU, drevet af europæisk ejet cloud-infrastruktur 🇪🇺.

Tag et kig på livedemoen.

You need a subscription to Plausible Analytics to track your stats. There’s a free 30-day trial with no credit card required.

We’re completely independent, self-funded, bootstrapped and debt-free. We’re not interested in raising funds or taking investment. We choose the subscription business model rather than surveillance capitalism. We’re operating a sustainable project funded solely by the fees that our subscribers pay us.

Besøg vores websted for at få alle detaljer.↵

Hvorfor bruge Plausible?

Google Analytics er frustrerende at bruge, svært at forstå, langsom at indlæse og krænker privatlivets fred. Det er derfor, vi har bygget Plausible Analytics; et enkelt, men kraftfuldt, let, open source og privatlivsvenligt alternativ.

Here’s what makes Plausible a great Google Analytics alternative and why over 12,000 paying subscribers trust us with their website and business insights:

Smooth transition from Google Analytics

Plausible features a realtime dashboard, entry pages report and integration with Search Console. You can track your paid campaigns and conversions. You can invite team members. You can even import your historical stats from Google Analytics. Learn how to get the most out of your Plausible experience and join thousands who have already migrated from Google Analytics.

Enkel analyse på et øjeblik

Plausibel er simpel analyse. Det er let at forstå, og det skærer igennem støjen. Tjek trafikken på dit websted og få al den væsentlige indsigt på én side på et minut. Der er ingen lag af menuer, det er ikke nødvendigt for dig at bygge brugerdefinerede rapporter, brugerdefinerede kontrolpaneler eller PowerPoint-dokumenter.

Letvægtsscript, der holder dit websteds hastighed oppe

Plausibel er letvægtsanalyse. Vores script er 45 gange mindre end Google Analytics. Din sides vægt vil blive skåret ned, dit websted indlæses hurtigere, og du vil reducere dit CO2-fodaftryk for et grønnere og mere bæredygtigt web. Et websted med 10.000 månedlige besøgende kan spare 4,5 kg CO2-udledning om året ved at skifte.

Intet behov for cookie-bannere eller GDPR-samtykke

Plausible er privatlivsvenlig sporing. Alle målinger på et websted sker med absolut anonymitet. Der bruges ikke cookies og ingen persondata indsamles. Der er ingen vedvarende identifikatorer. Heller ikke sporing på tværs af websteder eller på tværs af enheder. Dine webstedsdata bruges ikke til andre formål. Alle besøgendes data behandles udelukkende med servere, der ejes og drives af europæiske virksomheder, og de forlader aldrig EU.

Track events and marketing campaigns

Plausible is useful. Segment your audience by any metric you click on. Answer the important questions about your visitors, content and referral sources. Analyze paid campaigns using UTM parameters. Track site search terms, outbound link clicks, file downloads, 404 error pages, post authors, post categories and custom taxonomies without manually configuring anything or writing any code.

Built-in WooCommerce analytics

Plausible provides an automatic WooCommerce analytics solution to track conversions, revenue and attribution. Activities tracked include adding to cart, removing from cart, entering checkout and completing a purchase. A purchase funnel looking at the user journey from viewing a product to making a purchase is enabled to help you see the drop-off rates between the different steps, understand your cart abandonment rate and increase your conversions.

Invite team members and share your dashboard

Plausibel er delbar. Dine statistikker er private som standard, men du kan vælge at være transparent og gøre dem offentlige, så alle med dit brugerdefinerede link kan se dem. Du kan også dele din statistik privat ved at generere et sikkert link. Dette link er umuligt at gætte, men du kan tilføje adgangskodebeskyttelse for ekstra sikkerhed. Du kan også invitere teammedlemmer og tildele brugerroller.

Transparent and open source software

Plausibel er open source-analyse. Vores kildekode er tilgængelig og disponibel på GitHub, så alle kan læse den, inspicere den og gennemgå den for at bekræfte, at vores handlinger passer med vores ord. Vi modtager gerne feedback og har en offentlig roadmap. Hvis du er glad for at administrere din egen infrastruktur, kan du også selv hoste Plausible.


  • Vores produkt opdateres flere gange om ugen, og med vores WordPress plugin har du altid adgang til alle de nyeste funktioner
  • Inkluderer automatisk sporingskode i headeren på dit websted
  • Simple plugin settings page with easy options and an onboarding guide
  • Get more accurate stats and count those who use adblockers by running the Plausible script as a first-party connection from your domain name
  • Se din Plausible statistik direkte i dit WordPress-dashboard (du kan også give adgang til andre brugerroller)
  • Sporing af administratorbrugere er deaktiveret som standard (du kan også deaktivere sporing af andre brugerroller)
  • Enable WooCommerce revenue, file downloads, external link clicks, site search terms and 404 error pages tracking
  • Enable automated tracking of post authors, post categories and custom taxonomies for better content analysis
  • Tilpassede begivenheder og tilpassede dimensioner kan konfigureres ved hjælp af CSS-klassenavne direkte i WordPress-editoren
  • Integrer med Google Search Console, så du kan se søgeforespørgsler, som folk bruger til at finde dit websted i Googles søgeresultater
  • Import your historical Google Analytics stats
  • Hold øje med din trafik med ugentlige og/eller månedlige e-mail og Slack-rapporter
  • Få notifikationer om trafikstigninger via e-mail eller Slack, så du ikke går glip af at være på Hacker News
  • Tag your paid ads, emails and social media posts with UTM tags and analyze your ecommerce and marketing campaigns from click to conversion using marketing funnels
  • Filtrer betjeningspanelet efter enhver metric, du klikker på, for at få yderligere indsigt. Bland og match filtre også

For mere information: Sådan konfigurerer du Plausible Analytics WordPress-plugin.


  • Analytics kontrolpanel
  • Plausible Analytics WordPress Plugin Indstillingsside


Automatisk installation

Automatisk installation er den nemmeste mulighed, da WordPress selv håndterer filoverførslen, og du ikke behøver at forlade din webbrowser. For at udføre en automatisk installation af Plausible Analytics skal du logge ind på dit WordPress-dashboard, navigere til menuen Plugins og klikke på “Tilføj ny”.

Skriv “Plausible Analytics” i søgefeltet, og klik på Søg Plugins. Når du har fundet plugin’et, kan du se detaljer om det, såsom versionsudgivelsen, bedømmelse og beskrivelsen. Vigtigst af alt, selvfølgelig, kan du installere det ved blot at klikke på “Installer nu”.

Manuel installation

Den manuelle installationsmetode involverer at downloade vores plugin og uploade det til din server via din foretrukne FTP-applikation. WordPress codex indeholder instruktioner om, hvordan du gør dette her.


Besøg Plausible Analytics-webstedet for at få flere oplysninger. Og for at få svar på alle de ofte stillede spørgsmål, tjek vores dokumentation.

Hvorfor skal jeg stoppe med at bruge Google Analytics på mit websted?

Vi kan være partiske, men vi anbefaler ikke, at du bruger Google Analytics på dit WordPress-websted på grund af disse grunde:

Det ejes af Google, den største reklameteknologivirksomhed i verden↵
Det er et oppustet script, der påvirker dit websteds hastighed↵
Det er overkill for de fleste webstedsejere↵
Det er et ansvar i betragtning af GDPR, CCPA og andre fortrolighedsbestemmelser↵
Den bruger cookies, så du skal indhente samtykke til at gemme cookies↵
Det er blokeret af mange plugins og browsere, så dataene er ikke særlig nøjagtige↵
Det kræver en omfattende privatlivspolitik↵
Det misbruges af henvisningsspam, der skævvrider dataene↵
Det er et proprietært produkt, så du skal stole på Google↵
Det forværrer brugeroplevelsen på grund af nødvendigheden af de irriterende prompter

Læs mere:

Hvorfor er Plausible ikke gratis ligesom Google Analytics?

Google Analytics er gratis, fordi Google har bygget deres virksomhed og deres rigdom ved at indsamle og analysere enorme mængder personlige oplysninger fra webbrugere og bruge disse personlige og adfærdsmæssige indsigter til at sælge annoncer.

Med Plausible ejer og kontrollerer du 100 % alle dine webstedsdata. Disse data bliver ikke delt med eller solgt til nogen tredjepart. Da vi ikke tjener penge på målrettet annoncering, skal vi opkræve et abonnementsgebyr.

Revenue from subscriptions is used to pay our rent, further develop Plausible and allow us to commit to Plausible and open source full time.

Kan man se en demo?

Ja, du kan tjekke vores demo på

Hvordan kan jeg bidrage til Plausible?

Tjek vores GitHub-depot, hvor al udvikling af Plausible Analytics og vores WordPress-plugin foregår i det fri.

Plugin repo:

Du kan også blogge og på andre måder dele med verden, hvad du godt kan lide ved Plausible, hvad du bruger det til, og hvordan det hjælper dig med at løse dine udfordringer. Vores vækst kan tilskrives mennesker, der elsker at bruge Plausible, og som beslutter sig for at dele deres Plausible-oplevelse med verden.

Du kan også bidrage til Plausible ved at oversætte vores plugin. Tag et kig på

Hvordan kontakter jeg jer?

Du kan læse mere om os:↵
Kontakt os:


6. september, 2024 2 replies
I hate when plugin providers don’t mention that the plugin requires 1. a registration on their website 2. a paid subscription after a short trial How hard can it be to mention this right away to save users time and anger? I would never subscribe to any service where the provider isn’t up front and transparent about their business model. Thanks for wasting my time.
29. maj, 2024
Installation is quick and easy, and the interface is clean and user-friendly, perfect for both beginners and experts. By not using cookies and complying with GDPR, it ensures user privacy. Additionally, its impact on site performance is minimal due to its lightweight script. If you’re looking for a straightforward alternative to Google Analytics, Plausible is the ideal choice. Highly recommended!
10. februar, 2024
I went with plausible for a simpler and privacy-focused alternative to GA and it does not disappoint. Clear analytics, simple to use, great for our users. When I encountered an issue after an update, they responded within minutes and helped troubleshoot. Can’t recommend it enough.
24. august, 2023
I am very impressed with this plugin. It provides an excellent range of information to review on a daily basis, without being cumbersome. It lets me keep a finger on the pulse of my website, and provides an interconnectivity with users that is natural and intuitive. When you put a lot of work into a website, it so important to find a way to track visitors to the site, without getting buried in the analytics, and a confusing set of directions. In my opinion, the developers of this plugin are brilliant. They clearly know what they are doing. They have a grassroots type approach, and treat you like a real person when you contact them. I would give them a five star review any day of the week, and am so glad I found this option for tracking visitors on my website. It’s by far the best tracking plugin I have used thus far, over a period of ten years. All I can say is thank you!
15. august, 2023
OMGosh…with this latest update to an already confusing GA platform, I knew it was FINALLY time to wave goodbye to GA! How many man-hours have I wasted implementing reporting dashboards because Google changes their permissions and codes, etc. I was able to take my 75+ websites and implement this Plausible solutions…so lightweight and worthy of the nominal costs involved. I then created a master private page of all my accounts I can quickly scroll and see each accounts web traffic quickly. I also appreciate this company is in the EU and more compliant than here in the USA and also I can tell my customers their web analytics will not be sold to some 3rd party. Back in the day, you did GA because it was assumed this would net you better indexing…not so Joe! Thanks Plausible!
15. juni, 2023
I’ve installed Plausible on 4 client sites. It’s GDPR privacy compliant, and really easy to use. You don’t have to worry about configuring anything, you just activate the plugin and click through the setup guide. You can import legacy data from Universal Analytics, or add a module that tracks PDF downloads. The plugins displays these statistics right in the WP Admin Panel: unique visitors, total visits, total pageviews, views per visit, bounce rate, visit duration. Top sources for incoming traffic, top pages visited, location of visitors, and visitor devices. You get a lot of information without any complicate setup, and the GUI is very simple to understand. It’s a paid service, but you’ll save money in setup time. Technical support is top-notch too.
Read all 27 reviews

Bidragsydere & udviklere

“Plausible Analytics” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interesseret i udvikling?

Gennemse koden, tjek SVN repository, eller abonner på udviklerloggen via RSS.


2.1.3 | August 23rd, 2024

  • Fixed: WooCommerce integration would cause JS conflicts with certain Gravity Forms add-ons.
  • Fixed: PHP warning – undefined array key “product_id”.
  • Fixed: numbers using thousands separators (999+) would receive the incorrect formatting in some locales.

2.1.2 | August 9th, 2024

  • Fixed: WooCommerce integration would cause JS conflicts with Raptive ads.

2.1.1 | July 21st, 2024

  • Fixed some typo’s.
  • Fixed: WooCommerce integration would cause JS conflicts with CookieYes.

2.1.0 | July 21st, 2024

  • Tested with WP 6.6
  • Added: WooCommerce integration. This is automatically enabled when the enhanced measurement Ecommerce Revenue is enabled. For current users who wish to switch to the WooCommerce integration, please disable and enable the option to make sure the required goals and funnel are created.
  • Added: Enhanced measuring for Search Queries.
  • Added: Cloudflare Rocket Loader compatibility.
  • Fixed: the plugin would crash the admin screen on instances not running cURL or with allow_url_fopen disabled.

v2.0.9 | May 22nd, 2024

  • Improved: Added files required for Automated Testing.
  • Improved: Updated API client.
  • Improved: Auto provisioning is now enabled for Plausible Community Edition (self-hosting) as well. This means a plugin token is now required when Plausible CE is used.
    • Important! Plausible CE v2.1.0-rc.0 or higher is required to access the plugin token feature.
  • Improved: The Settings page no longer reloads when certain features are enabled.
  • Improved: The Authors and Categories feature now supports custom post types.
  • Fixed: Enhanced Measurements couldn’t be enabled when Plausible CE was used.
  • Fixed: Plausible CE users would be stuck on the onboarding wizard after updating to v2.0.8.
  • Overall code improvements and bug fixes.

For the full changelog, check out our Github repository.