Community plugins
These plugins are developed and supported by a community.
Klassisk Editor
(1.202 totale bedømmelser)Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports all plugins that extend this screen.
WordPress importer
(311 totale bedømmelser)Importer indlæg, sider, kommentarer, brugerdefinerede felter, kategorier, tags og andet fra en WordPress eksport-fil.
Klassiske Widgets
(258 totale bedømmelser)Aktiverer de tidligere klassiske widgets indstillinger i Udseende – Widgets og Tilpas. Deaktiverer blokeditoren fra at administrere widgets.
Disable Comments – Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
(271 totale bedømmelser)Allows administrators to globally disable comments on their site. Comments can be disabled according to post type. Multisite friendly.
Safe SVG
(73 totale bedømmelser)Enable SVG uploads and sanitize them to stop XML/SVG vulnerabilities in your WordPress website.
FluentSMTP – WP SMTP Plugin with Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google and Any SMTP Provider
(279 totale bedømmelser)The Ultimate Forever Free Mail SMTP Plugin for WordPress. Connect with any SMTP, SendGrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, Brevo, Postmark, Sparkpost, Google…
Health Check & Troubleshooting
(168 totale bedømmelser)Health Check identifies common problems, and helps you troubleshoot plugin and theme conflicts.
Force Regenerate Thumbnails
(181 totale bedømmelser)Delete and REALLY force thumbnail regeneration.
(3.814 totale bedømmelser)The Gutenberg plugin adds editing, customization, and site building to WordPress. Use it to test beta features before their official release.
(285 totale bedømmelser)Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!
Simple Page Ordering
(131 totale bedømmelser)Order your pages and other custom post types that support "page-attributes" with simple drag and drop right from the standard page list.
Performance Lab
(46 totale bedømmelser)Performance plugin from the WordPress Performance Team, which is a collection of standalone performance features.
Ads.txt Manager
(13 totale bedømmelser)Create, manage, and validate your ads.txt and app-ads.txt from within WordPress, like any other content asset.
WebSub (FKA. PubSubHubbub)
(6 totale bedømmelser)A better way to tell the world when your blog is updated.
WP Consent API
(1 totale bedømmelser)Simple Consent API to read and register the current consent category.
Simple Social Icons
(89 totale bedømmelser)This plugin allows you to insert social icons in any widget area.
Simple Local Avatars
(88 totale bedømmelser)Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar!
Modern Image Formats
(13 totale bedømmelser)Converts images to more modern formats such as WebP or AVIF during upload.